About BCI


BCI was founded by Patrick Bergman in 2022. Patrick has lived and worked in Europe (the Netherlands, France, UK), Suriname, Mongolia, Myanmar, and Laos, with a consistent focus on working towards a sustainable future.

His work spans water management, nature conservation, healthcare in developing countries, poverty reduction and the energy transition, all approached from a holistic perspective (content, funding, people) of subsidy, project, and program management at a high (strategic and tactical) level. With this extensive experience, Patrick is an authority in public management and is capable of providing swift and effective high-quality subsidy, governance, and management advice. Sustainable development is a fascinating field where pioneering and innovation are key. BCI is based in The Netherlands and operates internationally with a particular focus on Suriname and South East Asia.

Vision on International Development


Based on extensive experience on the ground in various developing countries, experience has learned the following:

- donor funded and led projects are not always sustainable, the project ends when the funding ends and results do not last beyond the lifetime of the project;

- donor funded projects tend to operate in a challenging environment with many competing and sometimes contradictory interests;

- private sector development and generating earning capacity in country is more sustainable - related to this,  education and HR capacity development on the ground of local staff / people is the key to success;

Based on this, BCI has developed the following recipe for international development in developing countries:


1) Micro level: Education and HR development

- learn English as English gives access to the greatest amount of knowledge worldwide and the international environment;

- get to know yourself (through BCI's associated company www.livingnaturally.coach , an online training and coaching company focused at empowering individuals globally operating in an international environment);

- learn skills via online courses and studies and obtain degrees as necessary for your goals;

- earn cash in the online global economy or in the (internationally oriented) local economy;

- consider the opportunity to spent some time in a developing country in order to learn and grow.


2) Macro level: create the pre-conditions for sustainable development

- strengthen institutions in order to deliver basic public goods such as tax collections, general education, health care, safety and infrastructure;

- take measures to ensure a level playing field for the private sector, promoting value for money and ease of doing business;

- get rid of corruption through implementation of a working system of checks and balances;


BCI's vision is to be a positive force for change in developing countries.


BCI's mission is to pave the way for sustainable development in developing countries through empowering individuals and organisations and providing boutique high end consulting services.


The strength of BCI lies in managing complexity through holistic analysis (content, people, funding), solving management challenges and issues, pioneering, and innovating. BCI goes beyond "thinking outside the box"—"we don't have a box to begin with."